Thursday, December 16, 2021

 December 2021

Wow! It's been a year for me.  Most of the world said that in 2020, but I encountered it this year.

I have been blessed by so many friends and family helping me out through the surgery & recovery.  I can definitely see the faithfulness of God to uphold me through this year.  Thanks for the prayers, food, visits, and cards.  

May you rejoice in God's precious gift this advent season.  God became flesh to die for us.  He loves YOU!

Merry Christmas & a happy new year to y'all.



Sunday, February 21, 2021

February- It’s the little things that matter.


I dug up my old login. Guess I will see if anyone stills gets notices on this or even reads it. 

2/1 I went to work and was planning for my “normal” lunchwalk, but God had other plans. 

I slipped on the ice about 3 minutes into my walk. I ended up tearing my right quadricep tendon. The little things: 1 cm gap between my tendon & kneecap. I had QTR -quad tendon repair surgery on 2/8/21. When I was at home later that day I fell.😟 This meant another ambulance ride and ER visit. 

My coworker came to wait with me for the ambulance that day, we were discussing church sermons from the day before and she prayed with me: the little things. I know she was just talking to me to keep me alert and stuff but I was encouraged and I know that was a God thing.

Friends have stopped by and given rides to appointments, loaned a lift-chair(ok, this might be a big thing😉) given some meals, and sent cards and texts, phone calls.  Nieces came to stay and helped: little ones🥰. 

This journey is on-going; PT is starting this week. God is patient with me and giving me grace as I wait on Him for healing and understanding of what I can learn through this season. 

Drop me a line or better yet: send a card to someone and ask how you can pray for them. Follow up with them. It will stretch you both. 


Hop-a-long Howie 😊