Saturday, February 21, 2009

Saturday's Scenes

Saturday morning we went for brekky at McDonalds. Tim, Chris & Richard came over and they took Dad & I to Dunstable Downs. Today was a gorgeous sunny and windy day. It was lovely for the hang gliders & kites. I even flew a kite, but the blokes refused to fly my butterfly. They told me if I had purchased the pirate one they might have tried it, but they also were afraid to be seen by someone they knew.

Stan made us a Christmas dinner: turkey, broasted potatoes, veggies, yorkshire pudding, sausage stuffing, Irish sausages, cranberry sauce and Christmas pudd for dessert.

The evening's entertainment was the group bowling. We had 13 bowlers and enjoyed a good time together.

Hope you had a lovely day and looking forward to worship services tomorrow.
L8R, G8R, ~Howie


  1. I think you two are having way too much fun!:)I was just realizing today that my family is the only one stuck in the midwest. Dean and Dana went on a cruise, Mom and Dad and Grandma are in Phoenix, Linda is in Florida, and you two are in Europe! I am feeling left out. :(

  2. The Christmas dinner looks fabulous. I still remember every Sunday when Grampa Ellis (from England) would put gravy on everything on his plate including his lettuce salad.

