Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Wednesday Windsor

Today, we ventured down to Windsor Castle with Chris. It was a lovely day, but a little chilly. I ended up walking around with no coat, but it was tolerable for me. We were able to be in the Castle for a couple hours. We had the personal audio guides to tell us all the details and such. Inside the building, no photography is allowed of course, so most all our pictures are of the structure & outside.

In the one dining room area ( a smaller room) they talked about the "Dine & Sleeps" that the Queen would have. She would have close friends or heads of state & important people for dinner, then taking them into the library to show them items & such, then those people got to stay over & leave after breakfast the next morning. I've decided that's what I'd like to do! ;-)

Another thing we learned was about the coat of arms. In one room they were up on the ceiling and they were numbered. There were some that were just blank white. This were for those that had been de-knighted. The coat of arms was removed and the white shield was left up as an example of the shame to others. Dad asked a staff person about what they did to get de-knighted. It was either from committing treason or murder, and then they were beheaded.

This evening we are watching football: England vs Spain. It's interesting to observe the fans bemoaning their team loss 2-0!

Tomorrow the plan is to go to London. Watch this space.
L8R, G8R, ~Howie


  1. Love the updates and pictures!!!Did you get the guard to smile?

  2. I'm so glad you shared the link to your blog with me. I'm enjoying the virtual tour!

  3. Hi Heidi & Dad
    Looks like fun.

  4. Now we know...Anonymous is Lynn! :)
